Parsley Elementary School has a history of commitment to community service. Some of our projects over the years have included donating food and hats, gloves and scarves, making cards for veterans, singing at a nursing home, and making sandwiches for Habitat for Humanity. We have collected and sent toiletries for Domestic Violence Shelters and books to other schools including one in the Outer Banks that was devastated by a hurricane. We've collected money for Katrina victims, and most recently for the Red Cross for Haiti Relief.
One of our goals with service projects is to actively involve our students. Last year, all students participated in the painting of chairs and stools that were auctioned at "Arts Alive". Proceeds from the auction were used to purchase supplies that were used to make and decorate Easter Baskets that were filled with treats and then distributed to families through Meals on Wheels. Every student participated in this project both in the painting of the auctioned item and in the assembly or decorating of the baskets.

In 2010-2011, when this blog was created, our students participated in a Sea Turtle Project. Students learned about sea turtles and what we can do to help protect them. Funded with half the profit Parsley made from the fundraiser, Art By Me, all of Parsley's students created clay tiles that were incorporated in a beautification project for the boardwalk of Carolina Beach. Toward the end of the school year, students will be participated in a beach clean up at Carolina beach.
kater. mrs.cuesta's 3rd grade
omg!!!!! those baby leatherbacks are so cute!i can not wait until we get to clean up the beach after the eog's! did you know that sea turtles mostly live in sea grass???? well, it's true!
happy bloging!!!
I love the baby sea turtles.I found it interesting that the leather back sea turtle got it's name because the shell was made out of leather.I can't wait untill we go clean up the beach.
I really enjoyed the assembly because of all of the interesting facts that have been given to us. And what I found interesting was that one of the mother sea turtles layed 70 eggs!
This is Mrs. Wolfe's class in the library. We like sea turles and want to help keep them safe. Jenny says we need to pick up plastic from the beach. Jeffrey says we need to pick up all trash. Hope says to not shine lights the wrong way, because the turtles might get turned around.
This video is like so amazing the baby dudes are so cool. This video rocks!
Ethan/grade 3/Warnes
We need to pick up trash so the turtles don't eat it, and we need to turn off the beach lights so the turtles don't get confused.
Christopher/3 grade/Warnes
I learned that picking up trash can be fun and descusting at the same time!I am so exited we get to go to the beach we could save like 50 sea turtles! Thanks for leting us go to the beach Parsley teachers and P.T.A. My class LOVES to go to the beach. Thanks agian!
Katie/grade 3/Warnes
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