Monday, May 20, 2013

Student Council's 'Keep It Clean' Drive

Parsley's Community Service Project this year was begun by the Student Council who initiated the collection of toiletries that would be donated to a homeless shelter.  It was called the "Keep It Clean" drive.

From this idea, Mrs. Sload, art teacher, involved all students in each grade level by integrating art lessons with a product that could be used to make the donations more special and heart-felt.

As a texture lesson, Kindergarten students sponged the white paper bags with paint.

First graders created Eric Carle inspired tags. If you've ever read an Eric Carle story, you've no doubt admired his beautiful illustrations. Using a similar technique, the students created beautiful tags for the bags.  A sticker on the back shares that the bags were donated by Parsley Elementary students.

Second grade students had been studying the life cycle of butterflies so in art class they made a butterfly clip decoration that would be used to close the bag.  

Butterflies and flowers naturally go together and since third graders had been reviewing the plant life cycle in science, they created tissue paper flowers for the outside of the bags.  

As a review for EOGs, fourth graders wrote poems that were put into the bags.  Receiving one of these poems would bring a smile to any one's face!

The fifth grade students divided the donated toiletries among approximately 100 bags.  The poems were also put in the bags and the tags and flowers and butterfly clips were used to decorate and close the bags.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Boxes of Love Project

Parsley students designed cards to send to students at Sandy Hook Elementary. Students carefully designed their cards to show their love and support.  These cards of love will be delivered with the Boxes of Love project.

Friends Feeding Friends 2012

 Each fall, Parsley's Student Council, along with Lowes Food Stores, sponsors the Friends Feeding Friends Food Drive. This year our families donated a total of 2005 pounds of food.
Student Council members helped load the bags of food onto the food bank truck. All donated food will be given to local families.