After learning about the importance of keeping the environment clean for sea turtles and other marine life, the students were ready to do their part in an outreach community service project helping clean up the beach. In May and June, K-2 and then 3-5 students took a field trip to Carolina Beach to pick up trash on the beach behind the boardwalk.
Following the May beach clean-up, the Mayor of Carolina Beach conducted a tile installation ceremony, featuring handmade ceramic tiles by Parsley students. Each K-5 student made a tile that now beautifies the beach’s boardwalk.
This community service project made the students more aware of the importance of not littering, especially in environments that endanger our wildlife. We are also proud to have been a part of the beautification of the boardwalk.
View the movie and listen to some third graders talk about their community service experiences.
Parsley Elementary has a history of commitment to community service. Over the years, we have collected and donated food, clothing, books, school supplies, and other items. We have also participated in projects that help make our community more beautiful. Many individual classes adopt a project. We began school-wide community service projects in 2008.